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'snuggy knickers' series. 2000

 'snuggy knicker'. pencil drawing. 2000.

10 x10cm.

'snuggy knickers'. old t-shirt, thread.

5cm x5cm.

'snuggy knickers'. old t-shirt, thread.

6cm 6cm.

'snuggy knickers'. pencil drawing.

15cm x 15cm.

'snuggy knickers'. old t-shirt, thread.

5cm x5cm.

'snuggy knickers' 2000. acrylic and house paint on canvas.

180cm 180 cm.

'angel knickers' 2001. pencil drawing.20cm x 20cm

'spinning angel alfie pants' 2000

acrylic on canvas. 90cm x60 cmm

'praying mantis pants' 2000

acrylic on canvas. 90cm x 60cm

Plug socket series...

'plug plug plug' 2007

house paint and pen on mdf

200 x 100cm

anaglypta wallpaper plug 2007

anaglypta wallpaper plug and switch 2007

 anaglypta switch (photocopy)

anaglypta switch (fabric)

Past  paintings.1998- 2003

'angel alfons alfons alfons alfons alfons alfons' 1998. oil and housepaints on canvas.

200 x 150cm.

'egg egg angel wing' 1998. oil and housepaints on canvas. 200 x 100cm.

'tiny tear tear tear'1998. oil and housepaint on canvas. 183 x 183cm.

'spinning angel alfies'.2001. oil and housepaint on canvas. 153 x 153cm.

'having fun with insect stencils, pink praying mantis'.1999. oil, acrylic on canvas. 138 x 120cm

'leaf eclypse' 2001. housepaint and acrylic on canvas. 63 x 63cm.

'gifts'. 2003. drawings on paper.

untitled drawing on paper. 10m x 1.5


untitled jigsaw piece. 2006

housepaints and pen on mdf.

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